10 Community Manager tasks to do in SWOOP in 10 minutes (EMEA)

EMEA | Yammer & Viva Engage Festival 2022

Join Pete, the SWOOP expert, and Gemma, the CEO of DemoCo, in building a business case for Yammer and showing the power of real data! Get a chuckle out of Gemma's hilarious impersonation of a CEO :)

  • What we're going to do, I'm going to ask my colleague Gemma Saint to join me for a little bit of role play because Sharon and Laurie just shared an awful lot of insight from the benchmarking report. And what we want to do now is, yeah, share with you an example of the kind of insight that SWOOP can give you. So to do that, we thought, well, let's have a bit of fun, we'll do some role play.

    So allow me to introduce you right now to Gemma Saint, my SWOOP colleague, but for now, she is the CEO of DemoCo. And she's finally given her head of comms and engagement, that's me, Pete Johns, a 10 minute session. So I get 10 minutes with the CEO to persuade her of the need to use Yammer.

    How am I going to do that? Well, I'm going to use data, the power of data. So let me show you the magic of SWOOP. Gemma, it's fantastic to have 10 minutes with you.

    What can I do for you? Thanks for your time today. So I'm the CEO and I love Yammer, Pete, and I'm not the email newsletter that you and your team send. So if you can actually tell me today what I should be using Yammer.

    Well, look, Gemma, I know you love your email, but let's be let's be clear. If you look here, I can actually show you we're a small organisation. There may only be 14 of us in the organisation, but over the last three months, there have been hundreds of conversations happening here with with over almost 2000 comments, lots of reactions.

    There's a lot of activity happening in Yammer right now. And you've got 79 percent of our team are in there consistently interacting and having conversations. With your one email every month and quarterly video message, you're missing out on a lot of conversations that you could be playing a part in.

    Oh, I've lost audio. I wonder, has everybody else lost audio? Classic. Yeah, we lost Gemma, I think.

    You try and do something exciting. And here we go. Audio's gone.

    I think we're going to get Gemma to drop out and come back in again. Teams has been playing up a little bit with audio. I think something tells me that Gemma, knowing her, the relationship I've got with her, I think the next question she was going to ask was something along the lines of I'm a busy CEO.

    You know, is is activity good? Is it just noise? I think she was going to ask something along those lines. So so why don't why don't I just answer that question and show look, Gemma, it's not just noise. It's we have to engage with people.

    Right. And you can't just say, oh, that's just noise. When there's hundreds of conversations happening in this space.

    So if we look here, I can give you a steer. Check out this community health index. Right.

    So this this is telling us that there is a really healthy level of engagement happening in our community that's consistent. So if it was just noise, people would go in, be drowned in noise and they wouldn't come back and engage. But people are consistently engaging in our community.

    So, you know, currently you're sending you're sending one email newsletter. And a 45 minute video monologue once per quarter. I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but, you know, you're not really being engaging.

    If you were engaging in conversations in this healthy community, then you're going to be connecting with people in an engaging way. I'm wondering if Gemma's back. Look, I think we've we've been stumped by technology play.

    Let's just roll with it and have some fun. So, Gemma, one last chance to see if we can hear you. Can you hear me? Can you hear me? Yes.

    Yes. You're back, CEO. This is classic, classic CEO behaviour.

    You say you give me 10 minutes. It ends up being five. So my PA wasn't here to help me with tea.

    You need to learn. So you show me the communities. And I want to see what's happening in one of those active communities.

    OK. Yeah. So if if I show you now, we can see where the activity is happening right in your communities.

    And let's say let's take a look at the social media and marketing community. What are they talking about? To your question about is that just noise? What are they talking about? Why is this community so busy? Well, with a couple of clicks, we can jump in and we can see what's the content that's floating in the social media and marketing communities. Here's the most engaging posts.

    How easy is that? Click, click, click. And I can show you what they're talking about. I can click on that, open it in Yammer, have a conversation right there.

    If you want to see the hot topics, you can see that. So it's not just hashtags. It's hashtags.

    It's Yammer topics. It's AI detected keywords as well. So if you want to really listen to your people, you know, they're in Yammer.

    They're having conversations. You can do that. Thanks to SWOOP.

    You can jump in and see what they're talking about. What are the hot topics and what's really a buzz in that community? I like it. But are people just using Yammer to complain? Look, there's a classic CEO statement, if ever I've heard one.

    And I want to show you something that I think will bring to life the fact that. They're humans, right? They're communicating. They're talking.

    They might be positives. They might be negatives. But here we can see that in a snapshot.

    We can see, are there any things we need to be concerned about? Are there any things that we need to celebrate? SWOOP can show a sentiment analysis. So we've got this AI that's constantly analysing the conversations that are happening. And it will serve up showing you the emotion in a conversation and the sentiment in a conversation.

    So you can really get to grips with it. And look, none of these is pure green or pure red. Humans are messy.

    We complain. We. You hit the mute button.

    If people are complaining about stuff on Yammer, then at least you have a chance to see into it. But the sentiment analysis will let you let you understand what people are talking about and how they're feeling and how emotional they are. So I like the comment.

    I just thought this is a very accurate role play. Thank you, Chris Maloney. I love it.

    I genuinely do. And I can never get any of this information from my monthly email. Can you tell me what people are engaging most with this calendar year? Oh, now you're putting me on the spot.

    So let's look across the whole organisation, shall we? And I can just simply say year today. What's the most engaging content across the whole year today? So a couple of clicks. Yeah, I can give you that easy.

    I love it. What about what hashtags? I think I saw something about hashtags earlier. I know you're I know you're all about the hashtag.

    So I can just simply scroll down and show you that over the whole year today. These are the top things that people have been talking about. So, yeah, you can have your finger right on the pulse.

    And what's that take in a couple of seconds? Imagine trying to understand a whole year's worth of conversations that aren't happening in Yammer. You can you can get that info in a couple of seconds and see it straight away. This is just so clever.

    What's number three? The things then the hashtag in brackets. Let's take a deep, deep dive into that so I can show you exactly what that is so we can see everything across the network that has been tagged with that hashtag. We can analyze exactly what's been going on.

    We can take a look at who the people influencing that conversation are, how they're behaving and exactly what's driving the engagement. So, again, super swift. We can see how people are networking around this particular topic.

    So these are the people and this is who's talking about this. So it's super powerful. This is amazing.

    And how come these guys here? How are they my influencers? Well, influencers, we know people who are engaging others. So it's the people who are creating content that other people are engaging with. And I guess it's as simple as that.

    I can definitely take on this advice, Pete, and start asking questions and mentioning people. So I'm currently absent from Yammer. So why are these people leading the business? Well, it's it's simple.

    You've hit the nail on the head that you're absent, right? You're not there. If you're absent, then people will fill the gap. And you've got these influencers who are leading conversations.

    I'm just going to look at the whole enterprise view and you can see much more. So, look, I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

    But actually, me being Frankie SWOOPster in this environment, I'm I'm the acting CEO and I'm getting tired of it. So I need you to step up and get in there and start being active. These these influential people are bringing others in because they're asking questions.

    We can see that when you ask a question, you get more responses. They're at mentioning people and they're really getting others engaged. And I need you to be doing that if you want to be a real influencer in our organisation, which you should be.

    You're the CEO. Get on the case. But what can I do about my own behaviours? Any learnings? Anything that you can help me with? Oh, I can coach you till the cows come home.

    Let's take a look. This is my personal dashboard. Right.

    And I can see what I've been doing over the year today. I can see how I'm behaving. We can sit down and take a look at this for you.

    All you need to do is log into SWOOP. It's easy as pie. And we can see what you've done, who you're networking with, how you're connecting with people and what your persona is.

    And we know that if we can help you be more engaging, you're going to get better business results. Well, this is truly amazing, Pete. Can you start doing Yammer for me? No, I'm putting my foot down.

    This is about you, Gemma. You need to do this authentically and do it to build trust. You will love it once you get used to it.

    So we've got loads of examples of CEOs around the world who just spend five minutes, 10 minutes a day and they ace it. It's as simple as remembering the one, two, three rule. So if you do one post, make two comments and do three likes.

    Keep that number in your mind and you'll be an engager in no time. Pete, honestly, today, thank you. Amazing.

    I respect you for standing up to me as a CEO. I know that's not easy, but I hear you on the importance of authenticity. I'm going to get the app on my phone and I'm going to start Yammering from today when I'm being driven to my tennis lessons.

    Thanks again, Pete. Fantastic. Classic CEO.

    Love it. I'm going to stop that monthly e-mail newsletter. So thank you, everyone, for riding with us through those tech challenges.

    And I hope that you managed to get a flavour of what SWOOP can put at your fingertips.

Meet the speakers:


Pete Johns

Director, Customer Success (EMEA),
SWOOP Analytics

Gemma Saint

Director, Customer Success (AMER),
SWOOP Analytics


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